Incremental D Compilation with Knit


Categories: d knit

A new feature in Knit

I’ve been writing a build tool called Knit (I’ve written a blog post about it here). In Knit v1.1.0 there is a new feature I’m calling “dynamic task elision”, which allows Knit to skip a build step if, at the time when it tries to run the task, it can determine that out-of-date prerequisites that got rebuilt ended up not changing anything. This is possible thanks to Knit’s support for hash-based file modification detection (and is not possible if this feature is disabled).

Here’s an example: say you have a C file (foo.c) and the following Knitfile:

return b{
    $ foo: foo.o
        gcc $input -o $output
    $ foo.o: foo.c
        gcc $input -c -o $output

Running knit would perform:

$ knit
gcc foo.c -c -o foo.o
gcc foo.o -o foo

Now if you add a comment to foo.c and re-build, Knit will dynamically determine that the linking step can be skipped because the generated object file is actually equivalent to what it was on the previous run.

$ micro foo.c # add a comment to foo.c
$ knit
gcc foo.c -c -o foo.o

The linking step is elided thanks to this optimization. We can use this optimization along with D interface files to design builds for D programs that are incremental and parallel (just as incremental/parallel as a C build) without manually writing header files.

D interface files

D doesn’t have header files, which means the language doesn’t force you do separate out a module’s implementation from its interface. However, this separation is useful for incremental builds because it allows the build to skip recompilation of dependent modules if only module’s implementation changes (the module can only be used via its interface, so modules that import it don’t need to be recompiled if some hidden details in the implementation change). Recompilation of dependent modules should only happen when interfaces change. Since D doesn’t force you to write out the interface in a separate file, it’s hard to determine when the interface has changed (you can’t just check if the interface file changed, since it doesn’t exist).

Luckily, D does have interface files (.di files) that can be auto-generated from normal .d files. For example, if foo.d contains:

int foo() {
    return 42;

then we can generate a .di file like so:

$ gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf foo.di foo.d

foo.di will contain:

// D import file generated from 'foo.d'
int foo();

Now even if we change foo’s return value, the D interface file will be unchanged. We can use this, along with Knit’s dynamic task elision to write builds for D programs that are highly incremental.

Incremental and parallel D compilation

Here’s a small Knitfile for D programs that will build them incrementally and in parallel:

knit = require("knit")

local src = knit.rglob(".", "*.d")
local obj = knit.extrepl(src, ".d", ".o")

return b{
    $ prog: $(obj)
        gdc $input -o $output

    $ %.di: %.d
        gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf $output $input

    $ %.o:D[%.dep]: %.d %.di[I]
        gdc -MM -MF $dep -MT $output -c $input -o $output

The interesting rule is the one for .o files:

$ %.o:D[%.dep]: %.d %.di[I]
    gdc -MM -MF $dep -MT $output -c $input -o $output

(note: the [I] attribute on %.di input indicates that the dependency is implicit and should not be part of the $input variable)

This rule says that to build a .o file, the system must have the corresponding .d and .di files for it (this causes the .di to rebuild if necessary, using the %.di rule). It also says that a .dep dependency file is created and should be read to find additional prerequisites. This file will be generated by GDC by passing the -MM -MF $dep -MT $output flags (the $dep special variable is just whatever %.dep becomes when matched). Using dynamic task elision, if Knit determines that the .di file of a prerequisite (probably listed in the .dep file) has not changed, then it will skip generation of the object file.

Let’s look at a concrete example. I have a simple math module in math.d:

module math;

int square(int x) {
    return x * x;

Then in a main module in main.d I use the math module:

module main;

import math;
import std.stdio;

void main() {

Running Knit with the Knitfile from above runs:

$ knit
gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf main.di main.d
gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf math.di math.d
gdc -MM -MF math.dep -MT math.o -c math.d -o math.o
gdc -MM -MF main.dep -MT main.o -c main.d -o main.o
gdc main.o math.o -o prog
$ ./prog

(note: the generation of .di files runs in parallel, and the generation of .o files also runs in parallel)

This produces the math.di file:

// D import file generated from 'math.d'
module math;
int square(int x);

and the main.dep file, which captures that main imports math, and therefore depends on the math.di file:

main.o: main.d math.di

Here’s a visualization of the build graph (generated with knit -t graph pdf):

Now we can modify square to do something different:

// not square anymore
int square(int x) {
    return x;

Rebuilding runs the following commands:

$ knit
gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf math.di math.d
gdc -MM -MF math.dep -MT math.o -c math.d -o math.o
gdc main.o math.o -o prog
$ ./prog

Of the object files, only math.o got rebuilt. This is because even though math.di was out-of-date and is a prerequisite of main.o, when math.di got re-generated, Knit dynamically saw that nothing in it changed, and therefore main.o in fact did not need to be rebuilt. You can see this information in debug mode with the -D flag:

$ knit -D
gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf math.di math.d
gdc -MM -MF math.dep -MT math.o -c math.d -o math.o
[debug] [main.o] elided
gdc main.o math.o -o prog

Knit informs us that the build step for main.o was elided.

However, if we change square’s interface, with a modification like this:

ulong square(ulong x) {
    return x * x;

Then a rebuild will recompile main.o as well (since now the .di file has actually changed):

$ knit
gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf math.di math.d
gdc -MM -MF math.dep -MT math.o -c math.d -o math.o
gdc -MM -MF main.dep -MT main.o -c main.d -o main.o
gdc main.o math.o -o prog

In this small example, the optimization doesn’t have a big effect. But for a large project it would, since it would guarantee that changing a function’s implementation will only cause that single file to be re-compiled, even if that module is imported in many places.

LDC example

The previous Knitfile works with GDC. If you want to use LDC, here is an equivalent version:

knit = require("knit")

local src = knit.rglob(".", "*.d")
local obj = knit.extrepl(src, ".d", ".o")

return b{
    $ prog: $(obj)
        ldc2 $input -of $output

    $ %.di: %.d
        ldc2 -Hf $output -c $input -o-

    $ %.o:D[%.dep]: %.d %.di[I]
        ldc2 -makedeps=$dep -c $input -of $output

LDC doesn’t have a -fsyntax-only flag and I’m not sure if -o- causes the object file to not be compiled at all, or just causes it to not be written to the filesystem.

Putting generated files in a hidden location

I prefer not polluting the source directory with .di, .dep, and .o files so I like to put these files in a hidden directory called .build.

One consequence of this is that the compiler will need to be given this directory as an import path, so that it can generate .dep files that reference the .di files there. Annoyingly, it seems like D compilers magically include the current directory as the highest priority import path. This is troublesome because it means the .d files in the current directory will have higher priority over the .di files in .build when generating dependency information for .dep. As a result, I put my source code in a src directory to avoid this. Possible solutions in the future could be to have the current directory be the lowest priority, or to include a flag to remove the current directory from the search path (still allowing it to be manually added with -I. with the correct priority).

Here’s an example updated Knitfile that puts the build files in .build and reads the sources from src:

knit = require("knit")

local build = ".build"
local src = knit.rglob("src", "*.d")
local obj = knit.prefix(knit.extrepl(src, ".d", ".o"), build .. "/")

return b{
    $ prog: $(obj)
        gdc $input -o $output

    $ $build/%.di: %.d
        gdc -I$build/src -Isrc -fsyntax-only -Hf $output $input

    $ $build/%.o:D[$build/%.dep]: %.d $build/%.di[I]
        gdc -I$build/src -Isrc -MM -MF $dep -MT $output -c $input -o $output

Another solution would be to put the Knitfile in a build directory and set up an “out-of-tree” build.


Templated code automatically becomes a part of the interface. This is because the caller must know the implementation in order to instantiate the template properly. Thus, templated code won’t benefit much from this incremental approach (modifying templated code will always cause all modules that import it to be rebuilt).

For example, this function:

T square(T)(T x) {
    return x * x;

causes the following to be generated in the .di file:

T square(T)(T x)
	return x * x;

Clearly, if we modify the function’s implementation, the interface file will also change.

Areas for improvements in D interface files

D interface files aren’t as strict as they could be. They include extra information that expose module details unnecessarily. This can cause unnecessary rebuilds. Here’s a list of things I’ve noticed:

Edit: as explained in this message private definitions and imports need to be included in .di files because of templates.

Link-time optimization

Generating lots of object files is good for incremental and parallel builds. However, it prevents the compiler from optimizing across modules. The square function from the math module won’t be inlined into main because the compiler doesn’t see its implementation when compiling main. There are a few solutions to this:

  1. Use lots of objects for development builds, and a unified build for releases. If you pass all the .d files to the compiler, it will compile everything together – bad for parallel/incremental, but good for optimizing, since the compiler sees everything at once.
  2. Use link-time optimization (LTO) to allow the linker to invoke the compiler during linking.

I’ll describe the second approach in more detail because I think it does a better job at preserving parallelism/incrementality while still providing good optimizations (often even stronger optimizations than with a unified build). Setting up link-time optimization with GDC is as simple as adding -flto to the compile and link rules (and of course we have to turn on optimizations with -O2).

knit = require("knit")

local src = knit.rglob(".", "*.d")
local obj = knit.extrepl(src, ".d", ".o")

return b{
    $ prog: $(obj)
        gdc $input -o $output -flto -O2

    $ %.di: %.d
        gdc -fsyntax-only -Hf $output $input

    $ %.o:D[%.dep]: %.d %.di[I]
        gdc -MM -MF $dep -MT $output -c $input -o $output -flto -O2

Now if you compile and inspect the disassembly, you’ll notice that the call to square has been omitted, and the compiler has replaced it with a direct print of the constant 16.

With LDC, you just have to add -O2 -flto=thin (you can also use -flto=full for a slower but more complete optimization pass).


I think this is a nice setup for efficient, parallel, and incremental builds with D. It doesn’t seem like this is a widely used approach though – as far as I can tell, Dub does not do this. Hopefully this post clarifies how to set this up, and maybe this can be implemented in the future in Dub so that everyone can more easily benefit from faster incremental builds (or you can just use Knit!).