
Installation is quite simple.
You can install Literate by downloading a binary if a binary is provided for your system. Otherwise you can also build from source by downloading the source code or cloning the github respository.

Prebuilt binaries

Mac OS X
64 bit Linux
32 bit Linux
Arm Linux
Source Code

Building from source


On Mac you can use brew to build Literate from source:

$ brew tap zyedidia/literate
$ brew install --HEAD literate

For now, Literate is head only.

Literate is made with the D programming language so you must install dmd (D compiler) and dub (D package manager). Then you should download the source code or clone the repository and run the following commands:

$ cd Literate
$ make
You can find the binary in path/to/Literate/bin (you may want to add this to your path).

Vim Plugin

In addition, there is also a vim plugin which adds syntax highlighting. You can get it here. I recommend you install it with Pathogen or Vundle or whichever plugin manager you use. See the manual for some extra tips on making Literate work even better with Vim.