
1. Introduction

This file holds the HTML for the download page. For the structure, we have a big download button at the top which links to the github Download ZIP link, followed by installation instructions, and a link to the vim plugin.

{download.php 1}
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Download Literate</title>

        <!-- Include the head to bring in jquery, bootstrap and custom CSS -->
        <?php include 'includes/head.php';?>

        <?php include 'includes/google_analytics.php'?>

        <div class="container">
            <!-- Include the top navigation bar -->
            <?php include 'includes/navigation.php';?>

{Installation instructions, 2}
            {Installing the Vim plugin, 5}


We provide some simple installation instructions for the user.

{Installation instructions 2}
Installation is quite simple.<br/>

You can install Literate by downloading a binary if a binary is provided for your
system. Otherwise you can also build from source by downloading the source code
or cloning the github respository.

<h3>Prebuilt binaries</h3>

{Download table, 3}


<h3>Building from source</h3>

{Building from source, 4}

Used in section 1

3. Download table

Here is the table for all the prebuilt binaries for Literate.

{Download table 3}
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" width=185>
<td><a href="./binaries/literate-osx.tar.gz" download>Mac OS X</a></td>
<td><a href="./binaries/literate-linux64.tar.gz" download>64 bit Linux</a></td>
<td><a href="./binaries/literate-linux32.tar.gz" download>32 bit Linux</a></td>
<td><a href="./binaries/literate-linux-arm.tar.gz" download>Arm Linux</a></td>
<td><a href="./binaries/literate.tar.gz" download>Source Code</a></td>

Used in section 2

4. Building from source

Here are the instructions for building Literate from source.

{Building from source 4}

<p>On Mac you can use brew to build Literate from source:</p>
$ brew tap zyedidia/literate
$ brew install --HEAD literate
<p>For now, Literate is head only.</p>


<p>Literate is made with the <a href="">D programming language</a> so you must
install <a href="">dmd</a> (D compiler) and <a href="">dub</a> (D package manager).

Then you should download the source code or clone the repository and run the following commands:

$ cd Literate
$ make

You can find the binary in <code>path/to/Literate/bin</code> (you may want to add this
to your path).

Used in section 2


Finally, we mention the Vim plugin too.

{Installing the Vim plugin 5}
<h2>Vim Plugin</h2>
In addition, there is also a vim plugin which adds syntax highlighting. You can get it <a href="">here</a>.

I recommend you install it with Pathogen or Vundle or whichever plugin manager you use.
See the <a href="manual.php#vim-plugin">manual</a> for some extra tips on making Literate work even better with Vim.

Used in section 1